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Creating a Home Yoga Practice

By Sarah Harvison, Global Yoga Ambassador program manager

Whether you’re seasoned at savasana or unrolling your mat for the first time, creating a home yoga practice is a great way to make sure you’re carving out time for yourself when the hustle starts to bustle. Even just a few poses a day can elevate your life and lend high vibes to your living space. According to Sarah Harvison, our Global Yoga Ambassador program manager, the most important thing is not to get hung up on trying to make your home practice perfect; just focus on making it uniquely yours. Read on as Harv (as she is affectionately called around here), shares her best tips for getting started.



One of the best parts of a home practice is that is requires you to claim a little piece of your home as your own personal paradise. Choose somewhere where you can be relatively undisturbed. That doesn’t necessarily mean birds chirping and sunbeaming rainbows—just somewhere you can get into the zone. Outside noise is okay, as are visits from kids, pets and partners— accept it all, make peace with your surroundings, and find solace on your mat.


A few props can go a long way in helping your practice feel supported. Consider investing in a couple of blocks, a strap, a and a bolster or cushion. If you don’t have these handy, you can always use a stack of books in place of blocks, and a jump rope or belt as a strap. Ensure an extra-comfy savasana by making sure you have a warm blanket and a pillow to tuck under your knees. I also like to keep a special journal and pen handy for jotting down insights that come up during practice.


Consider adorning your practice area with meaningful objects, like crystals or plants. Include things that make you feel loved or that represent devotion and growth. My practice area is decorated with a photo of my parents and some mala beads given to me by a student. I love to focus my attention by lighting a candle like the coconut wax candles by Woodlot. Scent is also a great way to get in the practice headspace, whether you diffuse a favourite oil (like Saje’s Goddess blend), cleanse your space by burning palo santo smoke or anoint your wrists with lavender oil. And for me, no practice is complete without a carefully crafted practice playlist. Having said all this, don’t spend too much time masterminding your practice space; actually doing yoga there is the best way to make it feel special.


Creating a strong home yoga practice requires consistent commitment. Give yourself some time to form the habit—you’ll be so glad you did! The most important thing to remember is that there is no right or wrong way to do yoga. Let yoga do you. There isn’t a perfect way to practice. Just follow the feeling, move from your head space to your heart space and give yourself permission to move, feel and breathe in a way that works for you. Happy Practice.


Find your flow with our curated selection of at-home yoga videos. Watch them here