Queen’s Road Central – we’ve landed. Embracing the bustling neighbourhood of Central and deepen our connection with local communities, our new store serves as a unique space in the heart of the city for us to stretch, sweat and connect. As lululemon’s first street front store and the 9th location in the city, the new store embraces the bustling neighbourhood of Central and connects with guests through its diverse range of products designed to enhance well-being and performance.
全新專門店登陸皇后大道中 — 新店座落於繁忙的中環鬧市及悠閒生活區的中心,進一步加深我們與社區的連繫,與熱愛健康生活的客人互相交流。作爲 lululemon 於香港特別行政區的首間地舖及第9間專門店,新店選址中環標誌地段,以多樣化的產品和體驗與顧客聯繫,宣揚身心健康,讓顧客得以發揮最佳表現。
Located at the heart of Central, the 3,620 square feet two storey shop connects the financial district and the vibrant lifestyle hub of Hong Kong SAR, bringing lululemon closer to the local community. The transparent shopfront visually connects the store with the lively neighborhood of Central, opening it up to all walks of life.
位於中環核心地帶,樓高兩層的lululemon 新店面積達 3,620 平方英尺,連接區內的金融核心地帶及生活消閒圈,拉近 lululemon 與社區的距離。透明玻璃店面的設計在視覺上連接著生氣勃勃的都市,迎接來自不同背景的顧客入內參觀。
The new store features the first Athlete Wall in Asia, which displays photos of five lululemon ambassadors and athletes from around the world, including three Hong Kong SAR representatives - elite runner Ngai Kang, Hong Kong SAR No. 1 tennis player Eudice Chong, and 2-time Olympic swimmer Camille Cheng.
新店設置全港首面運動員特色牆,展示5位來自世界各地品牌大使及運動員的照片,其中包括三位香港特別行政區代表 — 精英長跑好手魏賡、香港特別行政區網球「一姐」張瑋桓及兩屆奧運泳手鄭莉梅
The new store will continue to offer an extensive range of female and male apparel for all occasions. From yoga, running, hiking, to high-intensity training and outdoor adventures. Lab collection is also available in store, designed for urban-dwellers, providing technically-minded and aesthetically- motivated garments for modern life.
新店款式齊全,提供一系列適合不同場合的男、女裝運動及悠閒服飾重,包括:瑜伽、跑步、遠足及高強度訓練等。新店亦提供 Lab collection,系列結合技術與美學,為追求時尚、高效能的都市人提供極佳的運動服選擇。
Shop address: Shop 1 G/F, H Queen's, 80 Queen's Road Central
中環皇后大道中80號H Queen's地下1號舖
Phone number: +852 2463 0053
Opening hours: 10:00am - 10:00pm
Open your heart to feel the ambiance of the neighbourhood and unleash your passion for life. Join our brand ambassadors Vriko Kwok and Kieran Rogers, Parkour athlete Bipin Karma and Queen’s Road Central store key leader Sum Sum to explore the city and feel your best.
沿著每一步去探索身邊的連繫,用心感受這個社區的地方和空間,釋放你對生活的感覺。跟品牌大使 Vriko Kwok 及 Kieran Rogers、Parkour愛好者及演員 Bipin Karma 及中環皇后大道中店資深產品教育專員 Sumsum 一起感受城市的脈膊,感受更好的自己。
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